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Join us for Easter services at Northside April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Times and details here.


Northside U provides content-based learning in community with other adults for the purpose of life-transformation. Northside U is offering courses in four simultaneous tracks: Bible, Leadership Development, Spiritual Growth, and Marriage & Family. Each track has multiple courses you can take. Take as few or as many courses as you’d like, and you don’t need to commit to only one track.

Dates / Times / Location


Most courses are offered on Tuesday nights, 6:30-7:45pm. View the course listings for specific info.


Available on campus @ $10 child/night, or $20 max/family. See the KidCare tab on the main page for more info.


On Northside campus, rooms TBD


Participants will learn from qualified Northside teachers of knowledgeable subjects within a relational setting at round tables, preferably in cohorts (same people at the same table for the duration of the course) of 5-8 people, to discuss the content and journey with others. Most courses will have trained Table Leaders to facilitate discussions.

A Typical Class Template

Within the 1:15 hr time frame, most classes will look something like this:

  • 5 min - Host welcome/announcements/prayer
  • 20 min - Table discussion of pre-class work (reading, Podcast, etc)
  • 30 min - Teaching
  • 20 min - Table discussion of teaching/application. Prayer at the table to conclude.

Pre-Class Work

Most classes will have reading assignments to be completed prior to each week’s class, in order to discuss the learning with your cohort as part of the course experience. Writing papers or reports is not a typical part of this program.

Grading & Attendance

No letter grades are given. Rather, participants are credited for attendance and participation. A check-in system allows for attendance tracking. For those who wish to earn a Northside U certificate, a minimum 80% attendance is required for credit of a course.

Certificate Programs

Northside U is not an accredited institution or program, nor does it offer college level degrees, but we do recognize the hard work, commitment, and successful completion of certain tracks or combinations of courses. Certificates only certify completion, and do not qualify the recipient as an expert in a subject. See detailed info about the certificate program on the Certificates tab on the main page.


The tuition cost for each short-term course is $20. This covers books, resources, and instruction. Scholarships are available if the cost is prohibitive. Contact us to request a scholarship.


Books will usually be distributed on the first day of the course, unless they are available for earlier pickup.

Friends & Life Groups

Since each course is designed to be done in relationship with others, this is a perfect opportunity for you and your friends or Life Group to take the course together, sitting at the same table as a cohort. We’ll reserve a table for you. Just be sure to let us know of your designed Table Leader.


Registration of each course typically opens two months prior to start, and closes two weeks prior to start.


See the FAQs tab on the main page for answers on many of your questions.