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Join us for Easter services at Northside April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Times and details here.

Ready to begin?

Take the Assessment

What is the IDP?

The Intentional Discipleship Plan, or IDP for short, is a tool developed by Northside to help us fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) that Jesus gave us all to be disciples that create other disciples. The basic elements of the plan are:

Take a Spiritual Self-Assessment and rate yourself in 15 foundational areas of your faith. This assessment should only take about 10 minutes to complete.

Press into the content from the Northside staff and content from external sources in order to grow in any of these 15 areas.

What do I do after I complete the assessment?

Once the assessment is complete, you will get a rating number. That number is strictly to determine if you had movement in a positive direction in any area between now and when you take the assessment again. Below this rating, you will see content tailored to where you are in your walk with Christ. In each case, you will have the option to:

  • Study This (scriptures you can dive into)
  • Watch This (videos you can watch)
  • Read This (books or articles you can read)
  • Listen to This (audio books or podcasts you can listen to)
  • Do This Together (group studies to do with others)

It will be helpful for you to have access to a RightNow Media account (available for free on the Northside website at for the content you’ll be directed to. To access the content that is part of IDP at any time, go to your profile on the website, scroll down to the Spiritual Self-Assessment and select “View Results.” Once you do that, scroll down and click on “See Statements/Responses” to view all the resources for any of the 15 statements of the assessment.


  • Much of the content listed in the “Do This Together” section can certainly be used by an individual as well. Resources listed here may ask you to “discuss this with your group”, but you can easily put down your own thoughts on the topic in a journal or discuss those questions with a mentor or your group leader. 
  • Conversely, any of the content in the “Study This”, “Watch This”, “Read This” or “Listen to This” sections can certainly be done with another person, a mentor, or in a group setting as well.