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Join us for Easter services at Northside April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Times and details here.

Northside young adults exists to connect unconnected 18-25 year olds to Jesus Christ. We gather every Wednesday from 7p-9p (in the Kidside Auditorium) for worship, teaching, and small groups.


When and where does YA meet?

YA meets every Wednesday night at 7 PM in the Kidside Auditorium.

Can I come if I am 30?

YA is geared towards providing community for young adults aged 18-25.

What can I expect on a Wednesday night?

On the first Wednesday of every month, we break our regular rhythm of groups with worship, teaching, or an event. All other weeks we offer small groups and meet at the same time and in the same place.

Young Adults Staff

Meet our Young Adults staff

Jacob Bales

Teaching & Family Pastor

Ian Patterson

Young Adults Minister

Kiau Weisgram

NSM & YA Intern

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