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Join us for Easter services at Northside April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Times and details here.

Northside started with a group of people who desired to follow Jesus and met in the basement of a house in 1970. What's happened over the past 55 years is best described by saying, Only God.


Whether it's making an impact on the community, preaching the Gospel, or moving locations to gather, the elders of Northside have always led the Northside family to take risks to follow God. That’s what it means to follow Jesus as a Church. And we can’t wait to see what Christ does in the next 50+ years through Northside! To be his Church is an invitation of a lifetime and we hope you become a part of a greater story … God's story.


Location & Service Times

Northside gathers each Saturday and Sunday at our campus on Charlestown Road in New Albany, Indiana. Or you can join us from anywhere online.

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What We Believe

Our mission is to connect unconnected people to Jesus. Our unwavering focus of seeing people discover the hope and joy that comes with having a relationship with Jesus Christ is rooted in what we believe.

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Our Team

Northside has a passionate team with vast experience in all areas of ministry. Feel free to reach out to us with your questions or concerns. We would love to connect with you!

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Next Steps

At Northside, we believe no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, everyone has a Next Step. Whether that means getting baptized or simply coming back to service next weekend, we have an option for you!

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We don’t want to spoil the secret but church doesn’t have to be boring! Kidside is for children from birth to 5th grade during each of our weekend services. Our staff and amazing volunteers are committed to creating a fun and safe environment for children to learn about God through worship, interactive lessons, small groups, games, crafts, snacks, plus something to take home.

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Northside Students

Sunday night is the best night of the week for students! Following Jesus is the better way to live so everything NSM does points to that. Students from 6th to 12th grade have the opportunity to worship together and learn and grow in community through small groups of the same grade and gender. Students are also encouraged to be a part of the larger church by attending our main services and serving during the weekend.

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Young Adults

Stepping into adulthood can be scary. We want to help with this transition. Northside Young Adults exists to connect unconnected 18-25 year olds to Jesus. We gather every Wednesday from 7p-9p (in the Kidside Auditorium) for worship, teaching, and small groups.

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At Northside, we believe that life is better when we're connected! Groups are small gatherings of people who meet on campus, in homes, offices, and coffee shops throughout Southern Indiana to hang out, study the life of Jesus, and apply it to their lives. We also have short-term Support Groups and Learning Communities.

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Outreach & Care

Jesus came to the world to love and serve people: healing their hurts and caring for their needs. Following His example, Northside places a high priority on walking through difficult times with people in our church, sending teams to serve wherever help is needed, and partnering with local and global organizations with a mission to meet the needs of people in our community and around the world.

Outreach Care Ministry