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Join us for Easter services at Northside April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Times and details here.


Life Groups create a place to connect in community and grow with others. Together groups strive to study the Bible, share their lives, pray for one another, and encourage next steps of faith. Groups meet on various days of the week in homes, on-site, at coffee shops, etc. Leaders, alongside the group members, decide the study and day/time of meeting. Life Groups are usually 8-12 people and meet on a weekly, seasonally rhythm. This means they meet for three sessions (Winter, Spring, & Fall) with breaks in between.

Micro Groups create a space to go deeper into the Bible and spiritual practices. Through the Micro Group Guide, groups are intentionally equipped to lead others, share their faith story, and develop spiritual habits. Micro Groups are smaller focused Life Groups. They are designed to study a specific curriculum for 6 months, consist of 3-6 people, and are usually gender based. These groups meet on various days of the week in homes, on-site, at coffee shops, etc… 

Care groups are there for when people feel stuck, hurt, and broken, and need a safe space to come together with others. Healing happens in these environments with the help of a group leader to guide you through whatever hurt, habit, or hang up you might be experiencing. Care Groups take place on Monday nights and follow a specific curriculum depending on the group. Care Groups meet on-site and have Kidcare provided. Participants in Care Groups usually meet for one session. Afterwards, participants could return in a leadership role or seek out another type of group to connect with such as a Life Group, Micro Group, or another Care Group if needed. 

Every group will look a little different, but they all are creating a similar environment. Most group meetings will include moments of Bible study discussion, prayer, and encouragement to take steps of spiritual growth. At times, groups may meet to serve together or for a social gathering.

Life Groups: Groups meet weekly, seasonally for three sessions a year: Winter, Spring, and Fall. Groups meet weekly because consistency is essential to growing through relationships. Groups take breaks seasonally, because there are certain times in the year when it’s hard to meet consistently. This rhythm helps you plan group meetings into your calendar and stay connected even if you miss a week. 

Micro Groups: Groups commit to meeting weekly for 6 months to complete the Micro Group Guide. 

Care Groups: Most groups start in January & August, and meet for 13 week sessions. Celebrate Recovery meets year round.

Various groups meet onsite, offsite, or online. For groups that meet offsite, they often gather in homes, offices, coffee shops, etc. 

It all comes down to the type of group. Care Groups follow a specific curriculum depending on the focus of the group. Micro Groups follow a 6 month, Scripture-based curriculum. Life Groups can follow along with the group questions based on the current sermon series (website/app under each message), or they have the freedom to choose a study based on the next steps of group members. Many Life Groups use RightNow Media (Netflix for Bible studies) to choose their next group study. You can learn more about RightNow Media below.

Group Questions Download the group questions for the current sermon series. 

Right Now Media Access your free Right Now Media account to browse the available studies.

All paths lead to our Group Finder. Here you can begin to search for groups in a similar season of life or with a common interest. Once you find a group, request to join, and be ready to show up to grow through relationships. 

Group Finder

When you join a group, we encourage you to try it out for at least 3 weeks. This gives you a chance to start getting to know the group. But, the truth is, not everyone will find the best fit with the first group they try. If the group isn’t the right fit, let the group leader know (don’t ghost them), and head back to the Group Finder to try out another group. Sometimes, the simple strategy to finding success in Life Groups is to not give up. We believe there is a group that is right for everyone—including you!

Check back often as we update the Group Finder with group options as they become available. Also, you may be interested in hosting a group with a few friends during a sermon series, or starting a group. If you have question about finding a group or want to learn more about starting one contact the Groups Ministry with the form below.

We believe that God uses groups to change people’s lives, because we can’t grow spiritually without connecting relationally. We would love to talk with you more about starting a group. To begin, just head over to our ServeFinder and fill out the form.

Childcare varies from group to group. When you search on our Group Finder, you can filter groups with childcare available and/or their group bio will indicate if childcare is available.

Still have questions?

No problem, someone from our team would love to connect with you! Just submit your question below.

Group Question Entry

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