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Join us for Easter services at Northside April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Times and details here.

Thank you so much for your interest in starting a group! No matter the type of group, it is all about growing through relationships. We absolutely believe that you can’t grow spiritually without connecting relationally. This is why groups are so important!

You may feel like starting a group sounds a little scary. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be an expert in Bible knowledge, have all the answers, or even have it all together. All you need is a heart to seek God together with a group of people. Along the way, we will provide leader training, ongoing encouragement, and get you started with your first study. 

Life Groups are usually made up of 8-12 people meeting weekly throughout the year. Groups meet seasonally with three sessions (winter, spring, & fall), and take the summer off. Life Groups are often made up of people in a similar season of life (men, women, couples, parents, common interest, etc). Finally, groups meet onsite, offsite, or online. As a Life Group Leader, you will help create an environment where your group members study/discuss the Bible, share their lives, pray for one another, and encourage next steps of faith.

Micro Groups are small, focused Life Groups. These groups meet on various days of the week in homes, on-site, at coffee shops, etc. Micro Groups are designed to study a specific curriculum for 6 months, consist of 3-6 people, and are usually gender based. As a Micro Group Leader you will use the Micro Group Guide to encourage your group to study/discuss the Bible and develop spiritual habits. 

To start the process of becoming a Group Leader, just click the CONNECT button below. From there, you will fill out a form & background check. Afterwards, someone from the Groups Ministry team will follow up to discuss your next steps. 

Opportunity Details

Days of the Week: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
New to Serving: No
