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Time Commitment

Altogether, residents should expect to commit a total of 25 hours per week: 16 hours per week in a specialized ministry to gain ministry experience, 2 hours of coaching/mentoring, 2 hours of development in a cohort, and approximately 5 hours of continued education. Specific work schedules are unique to each ministry. Most require weekend commitments. Residents are free to hold additional employment, provided that the residency is priority and your other employment does not interfere with residency expectations. Residency cohorts begin mid-June and conclude mid-May. 

Important Residency Dates

  • Wednesdays, 3-5pm - Weekly Residency Cohort Meetings
  • Friday-Sunday, June 13-15 - Move-In Weekend (to your host home)
  • Monday, June 16 - First official day of Residency
  • Sunday-Thursday, June 22-26 - Residency Mission Trip to East Tennessee
  • Tuesday-Thursday, September 23-25 - SPIRE Conference in Louisville
  • Thursday-Friday, December 25-January 2 - Office closed for Christmas/New Year
  • Thursday, May 14 - Last day of Residency