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Join us for Easter services at Northside April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Times and details here.

Trey Denny


Trey Denny, alongside his wife Sherry, cherishes a resilient marriage partnership rooted in faith. They strive to ensure that God and fun remain at the center of their marriage. As a father to Karlyn and Grant, Trey’s heart swells with joy. He relishes countless fun moments and sports as his kids continue their journey into adulthood. This season’s greatest joy is watching the kids grow into their own faith in Jesus, not just relying on Mom and Dad.

Trey’s career journey began in accounting, but his compass pointed elsewhere. Sales and leadership roles became his main career focus, and currently, he is in a season where he can spend more time in Kingdom work.

Trey and Sherry have been connected to Northside since 2010, and they love Northside. It is a church that is for the broken with a passion for connecting unconnected people to Jesus. A place to share Jesus’ love with everyone! What an awesome God we serve! 

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