Friends of SEJ - This is a newly created group that will assist with PTO, special outreach events, and Staff Care.
Mentors - Mentors are an important piece in helping children develop their confidence and grow. Mentors can eat breakfast, lunch, or meet after school with their student to listen, eat, play games, read a book, or just spend time with them. We would like mentors to commit at least twice a month. Research has shown that the more positive role models that support children of poverty the greater chance the cycle will be broken.
Staff Appreciation - Serving in a school that is impoverished has its challenges. Northside is helping us establish more parent engagement with the goal of re-establishing a PTO. In more affluent schools, the PTO helps show their 'love' to the school's staff throughout the school year. If you or your employer would like to partner with SEJ to support our staff, we are looking for people to help provide lunches/snacks, cards, or serve our staff as we serve our children.
Parent-Community Event Sponsorship - We are looking for individuals or businesses to help sponsor school and community events. In more traditional schools, the PTO serves in this capacity and provides funding. This could look like providing funding or serving with us in events such as literacy nights, math nights, Halloween Trick or Treat, Fun nights, and other events.
Prayers - Working in a high poverty building weighs heavy on the heart and mind. It would be great to have a group of people that as principal I could send prayer requests to. It means a lot to me and others that there are people out there praying for us and what we do for our students.