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Join us for Easter services at Northside April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Times and details here.

Our hope is that the Worship ministry can help inspire people to love Jesus in a deeper way. We share stories of life-change, worship together, and encourage each other to fill up on the Truth of God’s Word so that we can pour out our praise to Jesus. 

We have opportunities to serve through vocal and musical gifts, production (lyrics, audio, live video), as well as other areas. These opportunities mostly happen during weekend services but we also have some communications and production opportunities throughout the week. 

You may feel like you don’t have the experience necessary to serve with our team, but we’re here to help! Many of our serving opportunities are available with very little training necessary and are easier than you think. They just take a willing heart to serve the Lord!

Opportunity Details

Days of the Week: Sat, Sun
New to Serving: No
