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Join us for Easter services at Northside April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Times and details here.

True Spirituality


For many Christians, the abundant life that we hear about on Sunday doesn't line up with our experience Monday through Saturday. Many sincere believers find themselves feeling stuck, frustrated, and fatigued. If you've ever felt like you were 'going through the motions' without experiencing true joy or power, this may describe you.

There is good news- this was never God's idea! If you've ever sensed that God has more in mind for you...but you're unsure how to experience it, True Spirituality is for you. This powerful study removes the clutter and presents a clear, compelling, Biblical picture of a true disciple of Jesus. You will be challenged...You will be encouraged...You will be stretched...You will be CHANGED.

12 videos of 23-33 min each with a book, study guides and leader guides for group studies.

Topics Discipleship Baptism
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