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Join us for Christmas Eve services in-person or online on Dec. 22 at 9:30AM & 11:30AM and Dec. 23 & 24 at 3PM & 5PM both days. (PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO SERVICES ON DEC. 21 OR DEC. 28)

Quest 52: September 21

This week’s devotionals are from the “Preaching of Jesus” series in Mark Moore’s Quest 52. Jesus’s preaching was mind blowing. Crowds came to hear his teaching, his stories were subversive, and his training enabled others to carry out his mission. Slow down, read the text, and then let the text read you.

Think about your favorite meal—not what you like to eat but a memory you made at a specific place and time.

Why are meals so important for building relationships with people?

Did you grow up in a church that had external markers of morality—ways to signal your righteousness? What were they?

How could you use meals to open the door to a relationship with someone far from God?

New to Northside and our daily devotionals? We will be following Mark Moore's Quest 52 for our sermon series this year. Learn more at

Topics Jesus Morality
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