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Ephesians #28 - Trust Through Submission

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Many parts of the Bible have been abused or misused in their interpretation or application. This is unfortunate because we can become so wrapped up in a text’s negative history that we miss the beauty of its truth. Additionally, when a text falls into this controversial category, some may assume they don’t have to follow its instructions. Abuse leads to reinterpretation, allowing people to apply the text however they please. Thus, as we talk about the roles of husbands and wives in the family, it’s important to address two audiences. First, to those who have abused this text or other texts: you need to interpret and apply this text in light of its historical context (original audience and author) and its broader context in both the New and Old Testaments. Second, to those who want to disregard, ignore, or reinterpret the instructions here because of a negative history: you, too, need to interpret and apply this text in light of its historical context and broader biblical context. This text should not be weaponized or abused by anyone, but it should also not be ignored.

Today’s Scripture
Ephesians 5:21-24 (New Living Translation)

And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of his body, the church. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything.

Explanation and Reflection
Whether addressing husbands or wives, the larger issue here is the role of submission in Christian life. Submission is an essential part of discipleship for all.

  1. Submission is an act of worship.
    Paul begins by discussing the role of mutual submission in glorifying God. Just as Christ submitted, sacrificed, and served the Father, we must submit and serve others (Philippians 2:1-11). When we submit to others, we honor the Lord.
  2. Submission is an expression of roles.
    In institutions, there is a hierarchy. Whether it’s employee to boss, church member to elder, child to parent, student to teacher, or wife to husband, we are all called to trust and follow others in life. Hierarchy has fallen out of favor in society, institutions, and relationships in our current culture. Some movements are trying to gut out all hierarchy in all contexts, including the church. However, hierarchy is biblical because roles are biblical across multiple contexts. The problem is that no one wants to follow; everyone wants to lead. We are all called to both lead and follow, depending on our context. Leaders should not abuse their power, and followers should trust and submit. Any person not exercising both leadership and submission is probably not in a healthy biblical place.
  3. Submission is an act of trust.
    Submission is essential because building institutions requires trust. The Bible is pro-institutions (churches, government, family, etc.). We cannot live life without trusting anyone. Advancing the Kingdom of God in a household, church, or broader society requires collaboration. That collaboration involves social order and hierarchy, which in turn involves trust. Refusing to submit to anyone is a refusal to build strong and healthy institutions that God wants to use to bring about order and peace.
    It’s also important to note that refusing to submit to anyone can be an expression of not trusting God. In the family, government, work, etc., God has provided a hierarchy to express His will (Romans 13:1-7). Sometimes, refusing to submit is not believing that God is still in control and reigning on the throne. In many situations, when we submit and trust others, we are ultimately trusting God.

Let me state this in closing: in some situations where authority is abusive, some leaders should not be followed. For example, in any situation where there is physical abuse, a follower has the right to leave and move into a safe environment under the authority of scripture. No follower should mindlessly submit in all situations. Our Lord gave you a brain. Use it. However, deciding when to submit or leave a situation requires much prayer and discernment. Please process these decisions carefully by consulting scripture, talking to spiritual leaders, and spending deep time in prayer.

Question of the Day
Here's a question for you to think about and apply:
In the context where you lead, how can you better serve those entrusted to you? In the context where you should submit, how can you better trust and serve to honor God in following another person?

Series Ephesians
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