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Join us for Christmas Eve services in-person or online on Dec. 22 at 9:30AM & 11:30AM and Dec. 23 & 24 at 3PM & 5PM both days. (PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO SERVICES ON DEC. 21 OR DEC. 28)

Sit, Walk, Stand

Watchman Nee

Sticky Faith

Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids
Kara Powell

The Case for Christ Student Edition

A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus
Lee Strobel

The Christian Atheist

Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist
Craig Groeschel

The Deeply Formed Life

Five Transformative Values to Root Us in the Way of Jesus
Rich Villodas

The Reason for God

Belief in an Age of Skepticism
Timothy Keller

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World
John Mark Comer

The Tech-Wise Family

Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place
Andy Crouch

The Treasure Principle

Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving
Randy Alcorn, Brian Smith

The Way of the Warrior

An Ancient Path to Inner Peace
Erwin Raphael McManus