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2024 Year End Giving

funding the future for Northside multiplied

Join the 3738 people who have already given $7,092,239.31

Northside Multiplied is a three-part vision, and each part of it advances the kingdom of God.

As we come to the end of 2024, it is important to remember the incredible work God is doing through our church – lives are being transformed through baptisms, hearts are being reached across the world through outreach trips, and a growing number of people are finding belonging and purpose in community together. Each of these moments is a powerful step forward in the mission Jesus has given us, and it all happens because of the faithful generosity of people like you. Your year-end gift has the potential to fuel even more of this life-changing ministry. Will you prayerfully consider giving generously so that, together, we can step boldly into the work God has prepared for us in the year to come?


We are multiplying transformed lives through the act of baptism, where believers publicly declare their faith in Jesus Christ.

Baptisms in 2024
Baptisms 5th Grade and Younger
Support Connecting People


We are multiplying disciples who serve others with the hope and love of Jesus Christ on short-term mission trips.

Upcoming Trips
Participants on those Trips
Support Global Outreach


Northside is multiplying 'life changing community' through life groups, Northside U courses, care groups, and micro groups.

Joined Community in 2024
Joined since Vision Weekend
Support Life Change