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Modern-Day Israel and the Church: Understanding End Times Workshop

Join us Nov. 19 at 4:00 p.m. for a special deep-dive lecture and Q&A by Bobby Harrington on Modern-Day Israel and the Church.


Join us November 19 at 4:00PM in the Kidside Auditorium for a special deep-dive lecture and Q&A by Bobby Harrington on Understanding End Times. During this time, Bobby will be talking about Christian views on Israel today and the impact of each perspective on our faith in this present age. KidCare will NOT be available during this  Sunday afternoon event. 

Bobby Harrington is founder and lead servant of Harpeth Christian Church,, and He has written over 10 books on the teachings of Jesus and discipleship, including DiscipleShift (with Jim Putman), The Disciple Maker’s Handbook (with Josh Patrick), Dedicated (with his son Chad and Jason Houser), and Trust and Follow Jesus. He has studied at the University of Calgary, Harding University, Asbury Seminary, Princeton, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he completed his Doctoral degree. He lives in the Nashville, Tennessee area with his lovely wife Cindy, children, and grandchildren. In his spare time, he enjoys sports, world politics, and good movies.



Kidside Auditorium

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