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Discipling Your Teen

We believe the closer you grow to your teen, the closer you grow to God. There are no perfect families, but there can be healthy ones.

We believe the closer you grow to your teen, the closer you grow to God. There are no perfect families, but there can be healthy ones.


How can you raise holy kids in an unholy world? This fall we are excited to partner with parents in discipling their teens. We know that raising teens today is more challenging than ever. However, we believe that God can equip parents with everything they need to raise up Godly kids who can thrive in today’s culture. Please join us free of charge starting Sunday, August 20th at 6:00 PM for this 7 week study called “Discipling Your Teens'' where we will cover topics like:
navigating social media
healthy spiritual habits for families
dealing with doubt
teen anxiety
and more


Jacob Bales
(812) 542-4072

Date / Time

Registration closed on Friday, August 25, 2023

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